Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Savanna Hypothesis

for Arthur Danto and Dante Alighieri

As if modernism never happened,
people cling to recidivist models.
Rice Crispies are bland, but oh, how they snap and
crackle in their milk! The man in lederhosen yodels
his ass off on the Matterhorn, unaware
that he's a Swiss cheese cliche of outmoded
old-school pastiche. Worse: he doesn't fucking care!
A dozen avant-tarde blowhards just exploded:
Jesus was steeped not in piss but in piss-
warm Mountain Dew--he's stoked for a second
kick at Canaan. Or Kanata, perhaps. What is this?
I couldn't tell ya, but sure as hell's a fecund
stew! Brother, you had me at hello:
I know what I like and I like what I know!

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